Monday, July 12, 2010

Wish for A Friend

I don't know it you all remember our friend who back in February was struck with an aneurysm and spent 3 weeks in ICU and then another couple of weeks in rehab. Well he has made a terrific comeback, it must be the State Trooper in him. The thing is, he is now well enough to undergo his next surgery. The plan all along was for him to get strong enough to sustain another surgery to remove the cause of the problem.

Though the surgery isn't planned for until a little later this month I thought I'ld send along a little something. This is another card we made at the card class I took a couple of weeks. I really like the way the paper piecing turned out and should really use this technique more often. The only problem is, it can take forever to cut all those little pieces. Sometimes I just don't have the time. But isn't that the story for alot of us.

Well, I'm on vacation this week and the plan is to hopefully get together and have lunch with my friend Vicki tomorrow. Although we may not be hitting any of the LSS a trip to the Container Store may be in our future. Love the Container Store, they have every imaginable thing to help one get organized all under one roof. Now if I could only stay organized all would be good.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week.


Silli said...

Hello dear Arlene, your card is so cute, love the sweet image and the colors... Very cute...Happy monday...

Vicki Burns said...

Love the card! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Sparkplug17 said...

This is darling! Have lots of fun!